Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Respite @ FUMC in Rockwall

First United Methodist Church in Rockwall (near Utley) provides respite care for children with special needs. It is typically on the first Saturday of the month, however, sometimes that changes. The next one will be held on Saturday, November 8th from 6:30-9:30. It is specifically for children with special needs, aged 6 months-13 years. There is no charge. Parents can drop off their kids or stay with them, although parents do not typically stay, it is a time for them to have a break or do something with another sibling.

There is a packet of information the parent fills our and turns in prior to attending, including medical information and it includes behavior strategies,etc.... The parents then make a reservation by the Wednesday before the respite night. They bring their child with dinner, unless they ate before coming and they are placed into same age level classrooms. Trained volunteers watch the children and there is a bounce house every month, movies,toys/games and snacks provided. Siblings can attend as well up to age 13 years.

The Dec. 6th one is a daytime event from 10 am til 4 pm, giving parents an opportunity to get soem Christmas shopping done.

Lake Pointe also provides respite. I will get some information on this as well.

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