Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to our class blog. I have found this site to be easier to use and more helpful than the current teacher website available through the district. This site will allow us to share important news and information regarding our class, the school, and the district. In addition, it will allow you to post questions and comments which are visible to other parents and guests to our site, potentially answering their questions as well, or raising additional questions that were perhaps not considered previously.
This site is not available to the public and is only available to those whom I invite to see it, or to those whom you choose to share it.
UPDATE: This site is now open to the public!Please remember to respect confidentiality and privacy at all times...this means do not discuss specific individual's names or identifying information nor specific incidents involving individuals. If you need to discuss something in private with me, I will be happy to set up a parent conference with you.
Finally, with these new student laptops, I know you are all having difficulty getting onto the internet at home. I believe this is true about many students at the school. Maybe we can use this website to work those issues out, since maybe the same answers will work for all of you...not that I know what the answers are at this point. But know now, the filters on the computers do not allow the student computers to access this website, so the students won't be able to use this blog.
Thanks for checking it out. I hope it becomes a valuable communication tool. Thanks for letting me into your children's lives. We're already off to a great year and I look forward to each and every day.